Sunday, December 14, 2014

Moonshine - Chicago

Moonshine on Division St. in Chicago.

The Pub:  Sadly Moonshine closed its doors a few days after I was there eating wings, watching football, and enjoying cold beer.  Prime location on Division, even had a parking lot.  Bartender put on any football game we asked for, and the place was busy.  They have moonshine.  Strong stuff and number of craft beers.  Brunch special was also recommend by some friends who frequented the spot.  It was sad to hear it closed a few days later, but at least I got to try a unique wing sauce combination.

Wings: "The chef special", mix of their homemade BBQ and Buffalo sauce.

Buffalo & BBQ sauce mixed together on wings!
The wings themselves were you average wing, good size and temperature.  I was sitting at the bar deciding which flavor to order, the bartender quickly recommend the chef special combination of BBQ and Buffalo.  I took her advice and The flavor that comes with mixing BBQ and buffalo is something I haven't experienced before.  Hot and spicy with the smokiness of BBQ flavor.  Very unique.  Is this common?  If requested will other places mix their sauces?  Maybe not but I'm glad the bartender pointed this out, because it wasn't on the menu.

Wing Night:  Moonshine is closed.

The Moonshine Bar
Side Note:  They had moonshine.  Check out the picture I took of the bar.  That stuff is strong.  So is the 10% rootbeer draft they had on tap, which other bars have.

Moment of Truth and Why:

Overall: 4-Star Wings 
Temperature: 3
Size: 4
Sauce: 5
Flavor: 5
Heat: 3

Wings weren't the crispiest, temp was good, size was average its all about the sauce and flavor which got higher rating.
Follow me on twitter @chicagowingman

Got a favorite wing joint?  Tell me and I'll check it out.

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